Project - The Trapped Knight

In this project, I have written computer code to generate a particular sequence of numbers described in the following YouTube video: The Trapped Knight

The code is implemented in three parts.

Part 1 - Initialize the board

The chess board is stored in a 2d-array of integers. The size of the board is (2n+1)-by-(2n+1). The board is initialized by filling it with the integers described in the video, such that it returns this "spiral pattern" for any given input parameter n.

 function initialize_board(n) #n indicates the radius of the board
    board = zeros(Int64,2n+1,2n+1)
    row = n+1 #row number of board matrix 
    col = n+1 #column number of board matrix
    center = board[row,col] = 1
    count = 1
    for r = 1:n
        current = board[row,col+1] = count + 1 #right once to initialize  new radius r
        count = current
        for k = 1:(2r-1) #up
            current = board[row-k,col+1] = count + k
        count = current
        for j = 1:(2r) #left
            current = board[row-2r+1,col+1-j] = count +j
        count = current
        for i = 1:(2r) #down
            current = board[row-2r+1+i,col+1-2r] = count + i
        count = current
        for h = 1:(2r) #right to complete radius
            current = board[row+1,col+1-2r+h] = count + h
        row += 1 #new starting points will be along the row=col diagonal
        col += 1
        count = current    

For example, the following input:

 board = initialize_board(3)

Produces the following output:

 7×7 Array{Int64,2}:
     37  36  35  34  33  32  31
     38  17  16  15  14  13  30
     39  18   5   4   3  12  29
     40  19   6   1   2  11  28
     41  20   7   8   9  10  27
     42  21  22  23  24  25  26
     43  44  45  46  47  48  49

Part 2 - Simulate the walk

The following functions simulate the movements of a knight on a chessboard, followed by the simulate_walk function, which takes an initialized board as input, and produces a list of numbers as well as the corresponding x- and y-coordinates.

 function right_up(i,j,x,y) #move two spaces right, one space up 
    i = i-1
    j = j+2
    x = x+2
    y = y+1
    return (i,j,x,y)
function right_down(i,j,x,y) #move two spaces right, one space down
    i = i+1
    j = j+2
    x = x+2
    y = y-1
    return (i,j,x,y)
function left_up(i,j,x,y) #move two spaces left, one space up
    i = i-1
    j = j-2
    x = x-2
    y = y+1
    return (i,j,x,y)
function left_down(i,j,x,y) #move two spaces left, one space down
    i = i+1
    j = j-2
    x = x-2
    y = y-1
    return (i,j,x,y)
function up_left(i,j,x,y) #move two spaces up, one space left
    i = i-2
    j = j-1
    x = x-1
    y = y+2
    return (i,j,x,y)
function up_right(i,j,x,y) #move two spaces up, one space right
    i = i-2
    j = j+1
    x = x+1
    y = y+2
    return (i,j,x,y)
function down_left(i,j,x,y) #move two spaces down, one space left
    i = i+2
    j = j-1
    x = x-1
    y = y-2
    return (i,j,x,y)
function down_right(i,j,x,y) #move two spaces down, one space right
    i = i+2
    j = j+1
    x = x+1
    y = y-2
    return (i,j,x,y)
function simulate_walk(board)
    n = Int((size(board,1)-1)/2)
    available_spaces = ones(Int64,2n+1,2n+1)
    i = n+1
    j = n+1
    available_spaces[i,j] = 0
    seq = [1]
    x = 0
    y = 0
    xs = [0]
    ys = [0]
    move = true
    while move == true
        valid_options= []
            options = [right_up(i,j,x,y),right_down(i,j,x,y),left_up(i,j,x,y),left_down(i,j,x,y),up_left(i,j,x,y),
        for k = 1:8
            if (options[k][1] in 1:(2n+1)) && (options[k][2] in 1:(2n+1)) && (available_spaces[options[k][1], options[k][2]] == 1)
        if isempty(valid_options) == true
            move == false
        l = length(valid_options)
        values = []
        for h = 1:l
             push!(values,board[valid_options[h][1], valid_options[h][2]])
        least_index = findmin(values)
        coordinates = valid_options[least_index[2]]
        push!(seq, least_index[1])
        i = coordinates[1]
        j = coordinates[2]
        x = coordinates[3]
        y = coordinates[4]
        push!(xs, x)
        push!(ys, y)
        available_spaces[i,j] = 0
        options = []       

For example, the following input:

board = initialize_board(2)
seq, xs, ys = simulate_walk(board);
println(\"Sequence = \", seq)
println(\"x-coordinates = \", xs)
println(\"y-coordinates = \", ys)

produces the following output:

5×5 Array{Int64,2}:
 17  16  15  14  13
 18   5   4   3  12
 19   6   1   2  11
 20   7   8   9  10
 21  22  23  24  25
Sequence = [1, 10, 3, 6, 9, 4, 7, 2, 5, 8, 11, 14]
x-coordinates = [0, 2, 1, -1, 1, 0, -1, 1, -1, 0, 2, 1]
y-coordinates = [0, 1, -1, 0, 1, -1, 1, 0, -1, 1, 0, -2]

Part 3 - Generate the full sequence and plot the path

The code below generates the full sequence (for this case, n=100), outputs the last number, and plots the path by straight lines between all the visited x,y-coordinates.

 using PyPlot
 board = initialize_board(100)
 path = simulate_walk(board)
 println("The knight is trapped at number ",path[3][end])
 plot(path[1],path[2]) #(xs,ys)
 title("Path of the Trapped Knight");

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